If you need a quick double eyelid job done but you only have 30 seconds, follow this simple demonstration video and you will be a PRO in no time!


If you need a quick double eyelid job done but you only have 30 seconds, follow this simple demonstration video and you will be a PRO in no time! Steps: 1. Work 15 hours straight in a hospital as a junior doctor 2. Be tired 3. Have no prior eyelid surgery done 4. rub your eyes and cast the magic spell I apologise about the prank. Share it with your friends! For actually useful information, watch my other videos. Double eyelid surgery (쌍꺼풀 수술) is one of the most common cosmetic plastic surgery in South Korea. Apparently, it makes your eyes look bigger and prettier. Some girls get it as a birthday present.
Pay Tips 30-01-20


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