buy bitcoins | Please contact me via Wechat ID "rpc5678" or Telegram ID @rpcTG. Beware of scamming impostors by carefully checking my ID spelling.

Wechat(微信): rpc5678 Telegram(电报): 

如需联系我,请加微信号 rpc5678, 或者电报号 @rpcTG 联系。请仔细核对拼写,以防假冒本人的骗子。
如果你是首次与我交易,或者是新注册的买家,我会要求你先支付本次交易将会产生的两次网络转账费​​用,然后我再托管。 您最后付款时,请扣除转账费。
你如果在我托管后取消交易, 或者失踪的话,本次浪费的转账费就由你来承担, 无法退回了。
所以请谨慎确定是否继续交易, 如果尚未准备好, 请现在取消交易, 待准备就绪后, 欢迎下次和我开单。

Please contact me via Wechat ID "rpc5678" or Telegram ID @rpcTG. Beware of scamming impostors by carefully checking my ID spelling.
I may not be responsive during 23:00~07:00 (China Standard Time).
If you are buying from me for the first time as a newly registered buyer, I may ask you first to send the network transaction fees of this trade before I escrow. You can then deduct the prepaid fees from the trade amount when you make the final payment.
However, if you cancel the contract or simply disappear after I escrow, the prepaid transaction fees will be wasted and will not be refunded.
Therefore, please make sure that you are absolutely ready to trade before we continue to the next step.
Thanks for your understanding.
Pay Tips 09-11-20


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