What are some important business considerations to make prior to applying for the Significant Business History Stream (Australia Subclass 132) Visa?

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To seek Queensland state nomination through this stream you must:

demonstrate that you have net business and personal assets of at least A$1.5 million to be transferred to Queensland within 2 years of your visa being granted, which includes a minimum of A$1 million for investment into a business and a minimum of A$500,000 for settlement costs; and
demonstrate a commitment to Queensland with an intention to reside and invest in Queensland.

Property Development Business

Demonstrate that you have the relevant business background.
If you intend to establish your property development business in Queensland, your total assets transfer and investment in the business must be higher than the entry level.
A property development project needs to be a large scale and ongoing business.

General Importing Business

Please note: General importing businesses will not be accepted unless the imported products are highly innovative, advanced in technology, or currently unavailable in Queensland. You should also provide a value-add service to the imported products, such as customised design, product assembly, installation, testing, repair, maintenance etc.

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