What is kiwikiwifly.com Ads service?How does kiwikiwifly.com Ads service Work?
How it works
Verified merchants are kiwikiwifly.com's highest and most premium level of membership that helps maximize your company's exposure and business opportunities. As a Verified Merchant, you can generate more inquiries than a free member. Verified Merchant Membership can also benefit your business by providing you with easy-to-use online tools, exclusive training, and customer support. Seize this opportunity to meet millions of buyers worldwide.
About Us:
kiwikiwifly.com is a local Q&A community and online marketplace in Australia and New Zealand. The launch time is August 2018, and in the past 3 years, the number of users and online buyer orders have gradually increased. In particular, our Q&A community and hashtag group topics are loved by local Aussie and kiwi.
It is especially recommended for the following types of advertisers
- You can promote your new products here
- You want to find a right-hand man for your local small business
- You want your products to get more exposure, which in turn drives sales
- You want to promote your company's various products or services
- You want your ads to be seen by Aussie and kiwi locally
- You have an idea or question that you want to share with more users
Currently, kiwikiwifly website can provide 2 forms of advertising
A1 - Static image ad in the sidebar
- The ad slot is located on the right side of the webpage.
- Static images or text are currently accepted, with a size of 230x500 and can be accompanied by a text description of less than 140 words and a caption of less than 32 words. Examples can be seen on the right side of this page.
- There are only 3 slots in one webpage.
A2 - Store Page
- You can have an individual business store on kiwikiwifly.com
- Your items can be listed on the shopping mall
- Your business idendity will be got verified and has an unique yellow color logo.
What kind of users will see your ads?
Our monthly pageviews over 1,20 M
More than 300k users in Australia and New Zealand
Ads Process
Step 1. click here and submit a ticket
Step 2. On your ticket page, please upload your business certificates and KYC files, and leave your question on this ticket page.
Step 3. Pay the fees.
Step 4. Send the ads images and files.
Advertising Price:
- Sidebar Static Ads - 6000 NZD a month.
- Store Page - Ads are purchased on a monthly basis, and the price depends on the industry, please ask the kiwikiwifly official service team online.