marketplace software development service

New Zealand Auckland
E-commerce website development Examples:

Google Search Engine Optimization Service Examples:
 Example 1:  If you search some Chinese keywords on google or bing like 新西兰起司厂家、新西兰食用油、新西兰网购平台、奥克兰洗车、奥克兰华人律师事务所、奥克兰女装店、奥克兰服装店, etc,you would find is in the first page of google search results.

Example 2:  If you search some English keywords on google or bing like Voice Agency Christchurch, Voice Agency Wellington,Freelance Captioner in Auckland, Subtitling Freelancers in New Zealand, Closed Captioning Freelance in Auckland, 3d rendering wellington, etc,you would find is in the first page of google search results.

"Made in New Zealand" Official Page Examples:

                          Software Development Agreement
This Software Development Agreement states the terms and conditions that govern the contractual agreement between and online buyers.

WHEREAS the Client has chosen one software development plan, which is described in further detail on item descriptions, and the is a contractor with whom the Client has come to an agreement to develop the Software.

NOW, THEREFORE, In consideration of the mutual covenants and promises made by the parties to this Software Development Agreement, the and the Client covenant and agree as follows:

1.’s duties

The Client hereby engages the and the hereby agrees to be engaged by the Client to develop the Software.

  • The shall complete the development of the Software according to the milestones described on the item descriptions. In accordance with such milestones, the final product shall be delivered to the Client as the business requirements document.
  • After delivery of the final product, shall provide the Client's attention to answer any questions or assist in solving any problems with regard to the operation of the Software.
  • Except as expressly provided in this Software Development Agreement, the Client shall not be obligated under this Agreement to provide any other support or assistance to the
  • The Client may terminate this Software Development Agreement at any time upon a material breach of the terms herein.

2. Delivery

The Software shall function in accordance with the Specifications on or item description.
  • If the Software as delivered do not conform with the Specifications or item descriptions, the Client shall within 30 days of the Delivery Date notify the in writing of the ways in which it does not conform with the Specifications or item descriptions. The agrees that upon receiving such notice, it shall make reasonable efforts to correct any non-conformity.

  • The Client shall provide to the written notice of its finding that the Software conforms to the Specifications or item descriptions within 30 days of the Delivery Date (the “Acceptance Date”) unless it finds that the Software does not conform to the Specifications or item descriptions.

3. Service Fees

Service Fees. In consideration of the Service, the Client may choose to pay the, with a maximum total fee for all work under this Software Development Agreement of NZD$1600. Invoices will be provided for work completed by the once every year.

4. Intellectual property rights in the software

The Parties acknowledge and agree that the will hold all intellectual property rights in the Software including, but not limited to, copyright and trademark rights. The client agrees not to claim any such ownership in the Software’s intellectual property at any time prior to or after the completion and delivery of the Software to the Client.

5. Change in specifications

The Client may request that reasonable changes be made to the Specifications and tasks associated with the implementation of the Specifications. If the Client requests such a change, Both should sign a new agreement.

6. Limitation of Liability

Neither party shall be liable for any special, indirect, incidental, or consequential damages (including damages for loss of business, profits, or any other loss) incurred or suffered in connection with the Software.

7. warranties

The represents and warrants to the Client the following:
  •  Development and delivery of the Software under this Agreement are not in violation of any other agreement that the has with another party.
  • The software will not violate the intellectual property rights of any other party.

8. Indemnification

The Developer agrees to indemnify, defend, and protect the Client from and against all lawsuits and costs of every kind pertaining to the software including reasonable legal fees due to the Developer’s infringement of the intellectual rights of any third party.

9. No modification unless in writing

No modification of this Agreement shall be valid unless in writing and agreed upon by both Parties.

10. Applicable law

This Software Development Agreement and the interpretation of its terms shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of New Zealand
  • 655 Days
  • USD $1600.00
    item price
  • 2
  • Basic = US $1600.00 No Inventory Restrictions

    ✔ E-commerce website development
    ✔ service fee per year

  • Standard = US $2800.00 No Inventory Restrictions

    ✔ E-commerce website development
    ✔ No Service, only software development fee

  • Advertising = US $2800.00 No Inventory Restrictions

    ✔ google search engine optimization service
    ✔ each keyword for 2 years advertising service

  • Premium = US $6800.00 No Inventory Restrictions

    ✔ software customized development
    ✔ software development fee
    ✔ buyers should offer the business requirements document to

  • Made in New Zealand = US $1600.00 No Inventory Restrictions
