Are nurses allowed to date patients? NZ Doctor interviews Auckland GP Nurse job experience/journey


As a future doctor or aspiring health professional it is important to understand the role of other health professionals that you will work with. But as a high school or university students in New Zealand, it is impossible to get information or insight let alone have time to talk to a nurse properly.

I interview this GP Charge nurse who is also my wife. I think if you are a first year biomed or health science student at the University of Auckland, then this will be valuable and entertaining for you. The MMI interview - requires you to be conscious about the role of other health professionals more than just a superficial level.

She explains how to become a nurse in Auckland New Zealand, and then briefly the roles and work of nurses, including the specific tasks involved in the day to day wokload of a primary care charge nurse.

I ask 5 questions including

1. Can nurses date patients?

2. How much do nurses earn in a GP practice and hospital in Auckland New Zealand?

3. What was the worst patient experience as a GP charge nurse?

4. Who deals with PPVs? (Pee/Poo/Vomit Bodily fluids) Doctors or nurses?

5. What is the best thing about being a nurse?

Insight into how to become a charge nurse (GP practice) and the experience of being a charge nurse in New Zealand
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