
新西兰华人网页设计公司|我们的后端工程师David总结的静态站点加速访问经验,通过 Google CDN 加速,如何让你的网站在一秒钟内打开

full stack developer Kevin wrote the post • 0 comments • 487 views • 2020-04-05 13:33 • added this tag no more than 24h

大家好,我是新西兰软件开发公司local fern的程序员David,最近因工作需要,需要将客户的网站提高访问速度,用到了 Google Cloud Platform的cdn。
如果更近一步,除了新西兰本地外,想要让大陆地区访问速度更加快一些的话,我们可以考虑将站点内容放在 Google Cloud Platform 的 Storage 中,并且使用 Google CDN 进行全网加速(主要是因为国内大部分线路可以不绕路使用到香港边缘节点).


你有 Google Cloud Platform 账户,并懂得一些基本操作
在自己的机器上安装了 Google Cloud SDK,如果没有的话,参考 《挂载 Google Storage 到 VPS 文件系统》
账户中已经验证好了自己的域名,如果没有的话,参考 Domain ownership verification
获取 SSL 证书
除非希望托管一个 HTTP 的网站,否则一个证书是必不可少的,Google 不会帮你自动完成这一步。

有多种方式可以获取一个 SSL 证书,如果目前手头没有的话,我们通过 Let’s Encrypt 申请一个好了,首先获取 certbot:$ git clone https://github.com/certbot/certbot.git
$ cd certbot
由于我自己的一些原因(在迁移前域名解析到 GitHub Pages 上的,不能通过改变解析的方式验证,否则会造成博客访问中断),这里我使用了 DNS 的方式进行获取:$ ./certbot-auto certonly --manual  --preferred-challenges=dns  --email [email protected] --server https://acme-v02.api.letsencrypt.org/directory --agree-tos -d nova.moe
之后会看到一个修改域名 TXT 记录的要求,类似如下:

Please deploy a DNS TXT record under the name _acme-challenge.nova.moe with the following value: J50GNXkhGmKCfn-0LQJcknVGtPEAQ_U_WajcLXgqWqo
此时我们只需要做一个 _acme-challenge 的 TXT 解析,内容为上述的 J50G...qo 即可。

- Congratulations! Your certificate and chain have been saved at:
Your key file has been saved at:
此时通过任何你喜欢的方式把 fullchain.pem 和 privkey.pem 下载到自己本地。

创建 Storage 桶,配置权限,导入文件
创建 Storage 桶

新建一个 Storage 容器,名称就是你希望的域名


由于是对外提供内容的网站,我们需要把 Public Access 设置为 Public 并且为网站配置优化,具体方法如下:

点击最右边的选项,选择 Edit bucket permissions,添加一个 allUsers 账户,权限为 Storage Object Viewer

还是那个选项,选择 Edit website configuration,按照如下填入 index.html 和你的站点 404 页面(比如我的就是 404.html)


注意,这里不要参考 《挂载 Google Storage 到 VPS 文件系统》,挂载到本地目录后上传,因为这样会导致文件的 meta 信息错误,导致本来该渲染为图片的地方变成了 octec-stream,本来该是网页的地方变成了 octec-stream ,本来… 然后访问任何页面都是弹出一个下载框了。

正确方法是使用 gsutil 来上传,语法如下:$ gsutil cp -r dir gs://my-bucket其中 dir 就是源目录,假设我的博客放在 /var/www/nova.moe/ 目录下 ,my-bucket 是目标 Storage 桶地址,比如我的就是 gs://nova.moe,整理一下就是:$ gsutil /var/www/nova.moe/* -r dir gs://www.yourdomain.com
可能有同学想到这里如果用 gsutil rsync 的话会不会更好一些,毕竟有增量同步之类的。

不是这样的,这样做的话即不能保留 meta 信息,也不会增量同步,相关描述如下:

Note that by default, the gsutil rsync command does not copy the ACLs of objects being synchronized and instead will use the default bucket ACL (see gsutil help defacl).

The gsutil rsync command copies changed files in their entirety and does not employ the rsync delta-transfer algorithm to transfer portions of a changed file. This is because cloud objects are immutable and no facility exists to read partial cloud object checksums or perform partial overwrites.
设置 Load Balancer

创建一个 HTTP/HTTPS 的 Load Balancer,Backend 创建一个 Backend Bucket,选择刚刚创建的 Storage 桶并勾选 Enable Cloud CDN:

Frontend 那一块选择 HTTPS:

然后导入 SSL 证书,其中 Public Key 和 Chain 全部上传 fullchain.pem, Private Key 就上传 privkey.pem :

创建好了之后有一个 Overview,类似如下:


GitHub Pages

Google Cloud Platform + Google CDN

已知问题 / 缺陷

这样子做的话,每次更新站点的同步也是一个问题,尤其是对于像我这样的 Hexo 用户而言,本地不想安装 SDK,传完文件后手动上服务器 gsutil cp 会很麻烦。

Google Cloud Platform 的 Load Balancer 并不能做 Force SSL,也就是说如果在 HTTPS 只选择了 443 端口的话,用户未添加 https:// 前缀的情况下访问的返回会是 404,如果同时也添加了 80 端口的话,直接访问也不会自动跳转到 https 上面。

一个比较大众化的解决方案是开一个 Compute instance 监听 80 端口专门用来做 SSL 重定向,但这样便失去了便捷性同时也会导致价格无意义地升高(无脑猜测 Google 团队到现在还不提供这个功能是有一定动机的,关于这个的 issue tracker:Redirect all HTTP traffic to HTTPS when using the HTTP(S) Load Balancer 从 15 年到现在还没有一个正式的答复),另一个思路是将域名加入 Preload List,但是现在的网站结构似乎并不能上 List,目前我正在寻找一个更加可靠的解决方案并不定期更新本文,相关更新会优先在 Twitter 上通知,欢迎关注。

2018-08-16 更新:最终我还是选择了新建一个 Compute instance 的方式解决(可以参考:利用 GCE 建立一个 Anycast 网络,超快的香港节点,Google Cloud CDN),Nginx 配置中稍微需要注意一下,Google CDN 会给后端传一个 X-Forwarded-Proto ,鉴于 Google CDN 的 SSL 只到边缘服务器就截止了(其实还是一个 Half-baked SSL),所以后端 Nginx 还是监听在 80 端口的,如果需要 SSL 重定向的话,需要加入以下内容:
 if ($http_x_forwarded_proto = "http") {
return 301 https://$host$request_uri;
 Google Load Balancer

我们知道,业界 Load Balancer 一般有以下实现方案:

一个 Anycast IP(比如 Google LB)
一个普通 IP(比如 Ucloud LB)
一个 CNAME 分区解析(比如 AWS ELB)

且不讨论 CNAME 那个看上去像是一个没钱 Anycast 的解决方案,而且如果用给 APEX 解析的话,在没有特殊加成(APEX FLATTEN)的情况会把 MX 记录炸穿(然后你就无法收邮件了),前者看上去是一个比较用户友好的方式,因为你只需要 A 记录到一个 IP 就可以了,绿色无害。


在了解 Google LB 之前,我们需要了解一个名词——GFE,感谢 Snowden 的 PPT,我们可以有一个直观的图示:


所有到 Google 的流量会在 GFE 上 SSL Offload(应该叫 SSL 卸载?),并且后端全部是在 Google 内网内以 HTTP 的方式进行传输。

在 Google Infrastructure Security Design Overview 中,我们也可以看到:

When a service wants to make itself available on the Internet, it can register itself with an infrastructure service called the Google Front End (GFE). The GFE ensures that all TLS connections are terminated using correct certificates and following best practices such as supporting perfect forward secrecy.

Google LB 也是一样,使用 GFE 作为面相用户的前端,将 SSL 流量在 GFE 上终结,然后以 HTTP 的方式回到后端的 Service 上。

使用一个统一的入口好处有很多,比如 GCP 就提供了一个统一的位置修改 SSL Policy:

可以自己选择心水的 Cipher Suite 和最低 TLS 版本等,和 Cloudflare 差不多(但是要让 Ucloud LB 做到这一点似乎就太困难了,他们基于 HAProxy 搞的 ULB 到本文发布时还不支持 TLS 1.3,而且要改 Cipher Suite 需要提工单)。

Premium IP

GCP 上的 IP 分为两种,一种是 Premium ,一种是 Standard,默认是前者,Google LB 也只能用 Premium。

Premium 使用的是冷土豆路由,所发送的数据包会保持在 Google 的内网内,并且在尽可能靠近用户的 PoP 离开。

  view all
大家好,我是新西兰软件开发公司local fern的程序员David,最近因工作需要,需要将客户的网站提高访问速度,用到了 Google Cloud Platform的cdn。
如果更近一步,除了新西兰本地外,想要让大陆地区访问速度更加快一些的话,我们可以考虑将站点内容放在 Google Cloud Platform 的 Storage 中,并且使用 Google CDN 进行全网加速(主要是因为国内大部分线路可以不绕路使用到香港边缘节点).


你有 Google Cloud Platform 账户,并懂得一些基本操作
在自己的机器上安装了 Google Cloud SDK,如果没有的话,参考 《挂载 Google Storage 到 VPS 文件系统》
账户中已经验证好了自己的域名,如果没有的话,参考 Domain ownership verification
获取 SSL 证书
除非希望托管一个 HTTP 的网站,否则一个证书是必不可少的,Google 不会帮你自动完成这一步。

有多种方式可以获取一个 SSL 证书,如果目前手头没有的话,我们通过 Let’s Encrypt 申请一个好了,首先获取 certbot:
$ git clone https://github.com/certbot/certbot.git
$ cd certbot

由于我自己的一些原因(在迁移前域名解析到 GitHub Pages 上的,不能通过改变解析的方式验证,否则会造成博客访问中断),这里我使用了 DNS 的方式进行获取:
$ ./certbot-auto certonly --manual  --preferred-challenges=dns  --email [email protected] --server https://acme-v02.api.letsencrypt.org/directory --agree-tos -d nova.moe

之后会看到一个修改域名 TXT 记录的要求,类似如下:

Please deploy a DNS TXT record under the name _acme-challenge.nova.moe with the following value: J50GNXkhGmKCfn-0LQJcknVGtPEAQ_U_WajcLXgqWqo
此时我们只需要做一个 _acme-challenge 的 TXT 解析,内容为上述的 J50G...qo 即可。

- Congratulations! Your certificate and chain have been saved at:
Your key file has been saved at:

此时通过任何你喜欢的方式把 fullchain.pem 和 privkey.pem 下载到自己本地。

创建 Storage 桶,配置权限,导入文件
创建 Storage 桶

新建一个 Storage 容器,名称就是你希望的域名


由于是对外提供内容的网站,我们需要把 Public Access 设置为 Public 并且为网站配置优化,具体方法如下:

点击最右边的选项,选择 Edit bucket permissions,添加一个 allUsers 账户,权限为 Storage Object Viewer

还是那个选项,选择 Edit website configuration,按照如下填入 index.html 和你的站点 404 页面(比如我的就是 404.html)


注意,这里不要参考 《挂载 Google Storage 到 VPS 文件系统》,挂载到本地目录后上传,因为这样会导致文件的 meta 信息错误,导致本来该渲染为图片的地方变成了 octec-stream,本来该是网页的地方变成了 octec-stream ,本来… 然后访问任何页面都是弹出一个下载框了。

正确方法是使用 gsutil 来上传,语法如下:
$ gsutil cp -r dir gs://my-bucket
其中 dir 就是源目录,假设我的博客放在 /var/www/nova.moe/ 目录下 ,my-bucket 是目标 Storage 桶地址,比如我的就是 gs://nova.moe,整理一下就是:
$ gsutil /var/www/nova.moe/* -r dir gs://www.yourdomain.com

可能有同学想到这里如果用 gsutil rsync 的话会不会更好一些,毕竟有增量同步之类的。

不是这样的,这样做的话即不能保留 meta 信息,也不会增量同步,相关描述如下:

Note that by default, the gsutil rsync command does not copy the ACLs of objects being synchronized and instead will use the default bucket ACL (see gsutil help defacl).

The gsutil rsync command copies changed files in their entirety and does not employ the rsync delta-transfer algorithm to transfer portions of a changed file. This is because cloud objects are immutable and no facility exists to read partial cloud object checksums or perform partial overwrites.
设置 Load Balancer

创建一个 HTTP/HTTPS 的 Load Balancer,Backend 创建一个 Backend Bucket,选择刚刚创建的 Storage 桶并勾选 Enable Cloud CDN:

Frontend 那一块选择 HTTPS:

然后导入 SSL 证书,其中 Public Key 和 Chain 全部上传 fullchain.pem, Private Key 就上传 privkey.pem :

创建好了之后有一个 Overview,类似如下:


GitHub Pages

Google Cloud Platform + Google CDN

已知问题 / 缺陷

这样子做的话,每次更新站点的同步也是一个问题,尤其是对于像我这样的 Hexo 用户而言,本地不想安装 SDK,传完文件后手动上服务器 gsutil cp 会很麻烦。

Google Cloud Platform 的 Load Balancer 并不能做 Force SSL,也就是说如果在 HTTPS 只选择了 443 端口的话,用户未添加 https:// 前缀的情况下访问的返回会是 404,如果同时也添加了 80 端口的话,直接访问也不会自动跳转到 https 上面。

一个比较大众化的解决方案是开一个 Compute instance 监听 80 端口专门用来做 SSL 重定向,但这样便失去了便捷性同时也会导致价格无意义地升高(无脑猜测 Google 团队到现在还不提供这个功能是有一定动机的,关于这个的 issue tracker:Redirect all HTTP traffic to HTTPS when using the HTTP(S) Load Balancer 从 15 年到现在还没有一个正式的答复),另一个思路是将域名加入 Preload List,但是现在的网站结构似乎并不能上 List,目前我正在寻找一个更加可靠的解决方案并不定期更新本文,相关更新会优先在 Twitter 上通知,欢迎关注。

2018-08-16 更新:最终我还是选择了新建一个 Compute instance 的方式解决(可以参考:利用 GCE 建立一个 Anycast 网络,超快的香港节点,Google Cloud CDN),Nginx 配置中稍微需要注意一下,Google CDN 会给后端传一个 X-Forwarded-Proto ,鉴于 Google CDN 的 SSL 只到边缘服务器就截止了(其实还是一个 Half-baked SSL),所以后端 Nginx 还是监听在 80 端口的,如果需要 SSL 重定向的话,需要加入以下内容:
if ($http_x_forwarded_proto = "http") {
return 301 https://$host$request_uri;

 Google Load Balancer

我们知道,业界 Load Balancer 一般有以下实现方案:

一个 Anycast IP(比如 Google LB)
一个普通 IP(比如 Ucloud LB)
一个 CNAME 分区解析(比如 AWS ELB)

且不讨论 CNAME 那个看上去像是一个没钱 Anycast 的解决方案,而且如果用给 APEX 解析的话,在没有特殊加成(APEX FLATTEN)的情况会把 MX 记录炸穿(然后你就无法收邮件了),前者看上去是一个比较用户友好的方式,因为你只需要 A 记录到一个 IP 就可以了,绿色无害。


在了解 Google LB 之前,我们需要了解一个名词——GFE,感谢 Snowden 的 PPT,我们可以有一个直观的图示:


所有到 Google 的流量会在 GFE 上 SSL Offload(应该叫 SSL 卸载?),并且后端全部是在 Google 内网内以 HTTP 的方式进行传输。

在 Google Infrastructure Security Design Overview 中,我们也可以看到:

When a service wants to make itself available on the Internet, it can register itself with an infrastructure service called the Google Front End (GFE). The GFE ensures that all TLS connections are terminated using correct certificates and following best practices such as supporting perfect forward secrecy.

Google LB 也是一样,使用 GFE 作为面相用户的前端,将 SSL 流量在 GFE 上终结,然后以 HTTP 的方式回到后端的 Service 上。

使用一个统一的入口好处有很多,比如 GCP 就提供了一个统一的位置修改 SSL Policy:

可以自己选择心水的 Cipher Suite 和最低 TLS 版本等,和 Cloudflare 差不多(但是要让 Ucloud LB 做到这一点似乎就太困难了,他们基于 HAProxy 搞的 ULB 到本文发布时还不支持 TLS 1.3,而且要改 Cipher Suite 需要提工单)。

Premium IP

GCP 上的 IP 分为两种,一种是 Premium ,一种是 Standard,默认是前者,Google LB 也只能用 Premium。

Premium 使用的是冷土豆路由,所发送的数据包会保持在 Google 的内网内,并且在尽可能靠近用户的 PoP 离开。



full stack developer Kevin wrote the post • 0 comments • 587 views • 2020-04-05 12:56 • added this tag no more than 24h

大家好,我是新西兰软件开发公司local fern的程序员David,最近因工作需要,有机会接触到 Stripe 的工作流程,事情很简单,对于优秀的服务,我们应该付出使用他们的成本(这样他们可以继续提供优质的服务),对于商户来说收钱就是一个比较有意思的部分了,鉴于大多数网友都是付钱,本文决定分享一下 Stripe 整合支付宝来收钱的方法,且本文不是网上很多出现的那种引用 checkout.js 的过期的方法(许多人都互相转来转去,看了一圈下来都是这个),而是使用 Stripe.js 来完成。

Stripe 目前收款方式有两种,简单来说,我们分为 Easy 难度和 Hard 难度,前者只支持信用卡,储蓄卡和 Apple Pay,而后者则支持多种支付方式,最终的效果图如下:

Easy 模式——使用 「Checkout」
Easy 模式即使用他们写好的页面,被称为「Checkout」,对于商户来说需要在后台定义好产品(Products),生成 sku 后写一个按钮出发脚本自动跳转过去,页面上需要写的内容如下:<!-- Load Stripe.js on your website. -->
<script src="https://js.stripe.com/v3"></script>
<!-- Create a button that your customers click to complete their purchase. Customize the styling to suit your branding. -->
style="background-color:#6772E5;color:#FFF;padding:8px 12px;border:0;border-radius:4px;font-size:1em"
<div id="error-message"></div>
(function() {
var stripe = Stripe('pk_test_xxxxxxxxxxxx');
var checkoutButton = document.getElementById('checkout-button-sku_G40GQYkIX4a8c4');
checkoutButton.addEventListener('click', function () {
// When the customer clicks on the button, redirect
// them to Checkout.
items: [{sku: 'sku_xxxxxxxxxxx', quantity: 1}],
// Do not rely on the redirect to the successUrl for fulfilling
// purchases, customers may not always reach the success_url after
// a successful payment.
// Instead use one of the strategies described in
// https://stripe.com/docs/paymen ... lment
successUrl: 'https://xxx.xxx.xx/success',
cancelUrl: 'https://xxx.xxx.xx/canceled',
.then(function (result) {
if (result.error) {
// If `redirectToCheckout` fails due to a browser or network
// error, display the localized error message to your customer.
var displayError = document.getElementById('error-message');
displayError.textContent = result.error.message;

这样在用户点了按钮之后就会出现一个 Stripe 的支付页面:

这样就可以用了,用户在付款完成之后就会跳转回到 successUrl,同时 Stripe 可以给你预先定义好的接口(WebHook)发一个 POST 请求告知,大致逻辑如下(其实官方有示范):\Stripe\Stripe::setApiKey('sk_test_xxxxxxxxxxxxxx');

// You can find your endpoint's secret in your webhook settings
$endpoint_secret = 'whsec_xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx';

$payload = @file_get_contents('php://input');
$event = null;

try {
$event = \Stripe\Webhook::constructEvent(
$payload, $sig_header, $endpoint_secret
} catch(\UnexpectedValueException $e) {
// Invalid payload
} catch(\Stripe\Exception\SignatureVerificationException $e) {
// Invalid signature

// Handle the checkout.session.completed event
if ($event->type == 'checkout.session.completed') {
$session = $event->data->object;
// 授权用户
$target_customer = \Stripe\Customer::retrieve($session['customer']);
$target_email = $target_customer['email'];
// 然后这里自己根据 email 找到对应用户完成接下来的步骤,比如把文件通过邮件发给用户,给用户头像加个 Buff 啥的~

不过呢,「Checkout」只支持卡和 Apple Pay,对于喜欢见到付钱就想扫一扫的用户来说并不友好,所以我们需要使用一些别的方法。
首先确认你的账户中 Alipay 是连接上并且处于激活状态的,没有这一点等于没戏(也就不用继续往下看了)。

如果你的 Stripe 已经连接上了支付宝,接下来我们就可以开始整合了。

首先由于 Stripe 并不是原生支持支付宝,所以所有这种非信用卡交易都被挂了称为「Source」的东西下,可以理解为一个插件或者一个临时的钱包,以下一段是具体的逻辑,请仔细阅读:
当用户需要付款的时候,用户会先通过 JS 创建一个 「Source」对象,并指定类型为「Alipay」,这个时候 Stripe.js 会带领用户去支付宝的付款页面进行支付,如果付款成功了,那么这个「Source」的状态会从 charge.pending 变成 source.chargeable ,可以理解为用户给临时钱包付了钱,在有了这个状态之后我们可以调用 Stripe 对这个 Source 扣款(Charge),把临时钱包的钱扣到自己 Stripe 账户上,然后就完成了付款的过程。
用户的逻辑是,在对应的购买页面上应该有一个 Button,上面写上「立即购买」,这样用户只要一摸那个按钮,就可以看到支付宝的付款页面了,为了满足这个需要,我们需要这么做,在对应的页面上放个 Button:<button id="checkout-button">

然后引用 stripe.js 并写一点 JS 来完成接下来的事情:<script src="https://js.stripe.com/v3/"></script>
<script type="text/javascript">
(function() {
var stripe = Stripe('pk_xxxxxxxxxxxxxx');
var checkout-button = document.getElementById('checkout-button');
checkout-button.addEventListener('click', function () {
type: 'alipay',
amount: 1988,
currency: 'hkd',
// 这里你需要渲染出一些用户的信息,不然后期没法知道是谁在付钱
owner: {
email: '{$user_email}',
redirect: {
return_url: 'https://xxx.xxx.xx/buy',
}).then(function(result) {
其中,owner 和 owner 下的 email 建议填写,不然付款后可能不好找到究竟是哪个用户付了钱,如果正巧你们不用 email 来标识用户,那也可以写点别的,对于 owner 来说有以下字段可供选择:
  "owner": {
"address": null,
"email": "[email protected]",
"name": null,
"phone": null,
"verified_address": null,
"verified_email": null,
"verified_name": null,
"verified_phone": null
此外,如果你还希望在 Source 中包含一些其他的内容的话,可以自由地使用 metadata ,并在内部包含一系列键值对。由于 createSource 执行完成后会返回一个包含 Source 对象,类似如下:{
"id": "src_16xhynE8WzK49JbAs9M21jaR",
"object": "source",
"amount": 1099,
"client_secret": "src_client_secret_UfwvW2WHpZ0s3QEn9g5x7waU",
"created": 1445277809,
"currency": "usd",
"flow": "redirect",
"livemode": true,
"owner": {
"address": null,
"email": null,
"name": "null",
"phone": null,
"verified_address": null,
"verified_email": null,
"verified_name": "null",
"verified_phone": null
"redirect": {
"return_url": "https://shop.example.com/crtA6B28E1",
"status": "pending",
"url": "https://hooks.stripe.com/redir ... ot%3B
"statement_descriptor": null,
"status": "pending",
"type": "alipay",
"usage": "single_use",
"alipay": {
"statement_descriptor": null,
"native_url": null
其中的 redirect 只要访问了就会自动被 Stripe 跳转到支付宝家的支付页面上,所以我们最后会有一行:

用户的事情结束了,服务器端就需要开始处理用户的请求了,一个简单的方法如下,在用户付款完成后 Stripe 会跳转回我们 JS 中定义的 return_url 并附带一些参数,类似如下:https://xxx.xxx.xx/buy?client_secret=src_client_secret_xxxxxxxxx&source=src_xxxxxxxxx

这个时候我们可以通过服务端来解析 src_xxxxxxxxx 得知是谁在付钱,并完成后续的操作:\Stripe\Stripe::setApiKey('sk_xxxxxxxxxxxxxx');

// 获取 URL 中 source 字段
$source_id = filter_input(INPUT_GET, 'source', FILTER_SANITIZE_URL);
$source_object = \Stripe\Source::retrieve($source_id);

// 先确认一下用户付了钱,别有 Object 就直接开始整...
$status = $source_object->redirect->status;
if($status == "failed")
// 如果用户没有付钱,我们该怎么做?
else {
// 从临时钱包从把钱扣了~
'amount' => 1988,
'currency' => 'hkd',
'source' => $source_id,
// 有了 Object 之后我们可以提取出对应的用户邮件地址或者别的信息,比如邮件地址可以这样提取
$user_email = $source_object->owner->email;
// 然后这里自己根据 email 找到对应用户完成接下来的步骤,比如把文件通过邮件发给用户,给用户头像加个 Buff 啥的~
顺便可以登录 Stripe 后台看看~


var wechatCallback = function (source) {
function generateQRCode(value) {
var qrEle = document.getElementById("qrcode");
var qrcode = new QRCode(qrEle, {
width: 100,
height: 100
qrEle.style.display = 'inline-block';
}二维码出来后, 扫码就会得到如下结果

不过这种方法只是说可以用而已,最好的方法可以参考 Best Practices for Using Sources 来接受 Webhook 多次验证,但这个就不在本文的范围内了。

由于是第一次接触支付领域,上述步骤中可能还是会有不少坑或者啥的(所以别直接在生产环境照抄,写完之后一定要多 Review 几遍逻辑漏洞),不过这个至少是一个可用最小模型了,还有不少可以改进的地方,比如浏览器端的函数其实可以异步拉起,这样可以在网页上弄一个 Modal 弹窗,看上去更加用户友好一些。
关于注册 Stripe 账号

和注册支付宝账号一个道理,首先注册账号,然后绑定自己银行卡,BUT, 就像前面提到的,不支持中国,所以就算注册成功,也没法激活,也就没法收款。



对于James来说,因为他是新西兰kiwi,所以他可以创建他的主账号,然后添加我的stripe账号到他team memeber账号列表中,这样我就可以访问他账户下所有开发者需要的权限。邀请成功后,Dashboard页面


Stripe.js & Elements


Stripe.js其实就是客户端的一个JS核心类库,Elements是它的UI类库,其实上面的Checkout代码就是Stripe使用两者给我们封装好了的,避免我们直接接触敏感信息,但是其实质都是一样的,都是用来创建source。这里就直接贴出客户端的代码了(这里没有用到Elements做UI,因为就是一个按钮支付,太简单,所以没用到):var stripe = Stripe('pk_live_xxxx');

function alipay(amount) {
type: 'alipay',
amount: parseInt(amount),
currency: 'gbp', // usd, eur,
redirect: {
return_url: 'https://xxx.eu/pay/result.html'
}).then(function (response) {
if (response.error) {
else {

function processStripeResponse(source) {
window.location.href = source.redirect.url;

  view all
大家好,我是新西兰软件开发公司local fern的程序员David,最近因工作需要,有机会接触到 Stripe 的工作流程,事情很简单,对于优秀的服务,我们应该付出使用他们的成本(这样他们可以继续提供优质的服务),对于商户来说收钱就是一个比较有意思的部分了,鉴于大多数网友都是付钱,本文决定分享一下 Stripe 整合支付宝来收钱的方法,且本文不是网上很多出现的那种引用 checkout.js 的过期的方法(许多人都互相转来转去,看了一圈下来都是这个),而是使用 Stripe.js 来完成。

Stripe 目前收款方式有两种,简单来说,我们分为 Easy 难度和 Hard 难度,前者只支持信用卡,储蓄卡和 Apple Pay,而后者则支持多种支付方式,最终的效果图如下:

Easy 模式——使用 「Checkout」
Easy 模式即使用他们写好的页面,被称为「Checkout」,对于商户来说需要在后台定义好产品(Products),生成 sku 后写一个按钮出发脚本自动跳转过去,页面上需要写的内容如下:
<!-- Load Stripe.js on your website. -->
<script src="https://js.stripe.com/v3"></script>
<!-- Create a button that your customers click to complete their purchase. Customize the styling to suit your branding. -->
style="background-color:#6772E5;color:#FFF;padding:8px 12px;border:0;border-radius:4px;font-size:1em"
<div id="error-message"></div>
(function() {
var stripe = Stripe('pk_test_xxxxxxxxxxxx');
var checkoutButton = document.getElementById('checkout-button-sku_G40GQYkIX4a8c4');
checkoutButton.addEventListener('click', function () {
// When the customer clicks on the button, redirect
// them to Checkout.
items: [{sku: 'sku_xxxxxxxxxxx', quantity: 1}],
// Do not rely on the redirect to the successUrl for fulfilling
// purchases, customers may not always reach the success_url after
// a successful payment.
// Instead use one of the strategies described in
// https://stripe.com/docs/paymen ... lment
successUrl: 'https://xxx.xxx.xx/success',
cancelUrl: 'https://xxx.xxx.xx/canceled',
.then(function (result) {
if (result.error) {
// If `redirectToCheckout` fails due to a browser or network
// error, display the localized error message to your customer.
var displayError = document.getElementById('error-message');
displayError.textContent = result.error.message;

这样在用户点了按钮之后就会出现一个 Stripe 的支付页面:

这样就可以用了,用户在付款完成之后就会跳转回到 successUrl,同时 Stripe 可以给你预先定义好的接口(WebHook)发一个 POST 请求告知,大致逻辑如下(其实官方有示范):

// You can find your endpoint's secret in your webhook settings
$endpoint_secret = 'whsec_xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx';

$payload = @file_get_contents('php://input');
$event = null;

try {
$event = \Stripe\Webhook::constructEvent(
$payload, $sig_header, $endpoint_secret
} catch(\UnexpectedValueException $e) {
// Invalid payload
} catch(\Stripe\Exception\SignatureVerificationException $e) {
// Invalid signature

// Handle the checkout.session.completed event
if ($event->type == 'checkout.session.completed') {
$session = $event->data->object;
// 授权用户
$target_customer = \Stripe\Customer::retrieve($session['customer']);
$target_email = $target_customer['email'];
// 然后这里自己根据 email 找到对应用户完成接下来的步骤,比如把文件通过邮件发给用户,给用户头像加个 Buff 啥的~

不过呢,「Checkout」只支持卡和 Apple Pay,对于喜欢见到付钱就想扫一扫的用户来说并不友好,所以我们需要使用一些别的方法。
首先确认你的账户中 Alipay 是连接上并且处于激活状态的,没有这一点等于没戏(也就不用继续往下看了)。

如果你的 Stripe 已经连接上了支付宝,接下来我们就可以开始整合了。

首先由于 Stripe 并不是原生支持支付宝,所以所有这种非信用卡交易都被挂了称为「Source」的东西下,可以理解为一个插件或者一个临时的钱包,以下一段是具体的逻辑,请仔细阅读:
当用户需要付款的时候,用户会先通过 JS 创建一个 「Source」对象,并指定类型为「Alipay」,这个时候 Stripe.js 会带领用户去支付宝的付款页面进行支付,如果付款成功了,那么这个「Source」的状态会从 charge.pending 变成 source.chargeable ,可以理解为用户给临时钱包付了钱,在有了这个状态之后我们可以调用 Stripe 对这个 Source 扣款(Charge),把临时钱包的钱扣到自己 Stripe 账户上,然后就完成了付款的过程。
用户的逻辑是,在对应的购买页面上应该有一个 Button,上面写上「立即购买」,这样用户只要一摸那个按钮,就可以看到支付宝的付款页面了,为了满足这个需要,我们需要这么做,在对应的页面上放个 Button:
<button id="checkout-button">

然后引用 stripe.js 并写一点 JS 来完成接下来的事情:
<script src="https://js.stripe.com/v3/"></script>
<script type="text/javascript">
(function() {
var stripe = Stripe('pk_xxxxxxxxxxxxxx');
var checkout-button = document.getElementById('checkout-button');
checkout-button.addEventListener('click', function () {
type: 'alipay',
amount: 1988,
currency: 'hkd',
// 这里你需要渲染出一些用户的信息,不然后期没法知道是谁在付钱
owner: {
email: '{$user_email}',
redirect: {
return_url: 'https://xxx.xxx.xx/buy',
}).then(function(result) {

其中,owner 和 owner 下的 email 建议填写,不然付款后可能不好找到究竟是哪个用户付了钱,如果正巧你们不用 email 来标识用户,那也可以写点别的,对于 owner 来说有以下字段可供选择:
"owner": {
"address": null,
"email": "[email protected]",
"name": null,
"phone": null,
"verified_address": null,
"verified_email": null,
"verified_name": null,
"verified_phone": null

此外,如果你还希望在 Source 中包含一些其他的内容的话,可以自由地使用 metadata ,并在内部包含一系列键值对。由于 createSource 执行完成后会返回一个包含 Source 对象,类似如下:
"id": "src_16xhynE8WzK49JbAs9M21jaR",
"object": "source",
"amount": 1099,
"client_secret": "src_client_secret_UfwvW2WHpZ0s3QEn9g5x7waU",
"created": 1445277809,
"currency": "usd",
"flow": "redirect",
"livemode": true,
"owner": {
"address": null,
"email": null,
"name": "null",
"phone": null,
"verified_address": null,
"verified_email": null,
"verified_name": "null",
"verified_phone": null
"redirect": {
"return_url": "https://shop.example.com/crtA6B28E1",
"status": "pending",
"url": "https://hooks.stripe.com/redir ... ot%3B
"statement_descriptor": null,
"status": "pending",
"type": "alipay",
"usage": "single_use",
"alipay": {
"statement_descriptor": null,
"native_url": null

其中的 redirect 只要访问了就会自动被 Stripe 跳转到支付宝家的支付页面上,所以我们最后会有一行:

用户的事情结束了,服务器端就需要开始处理用户的请求了,一个简单的方法如下,在用户付款完成后 Stripe 会跳转回我们 JS 中定义的 return_url 并附带一些参数,类似如下:

这个时候我们可以通过服务端来解析 src_xxxxxxxxx 得知是谁在付钱,并完成后续的操作:

// 获取 URL 中 source 字段
$source_id = filter_input(INPUT_GET, 'source', FILTER_SANITIZE_URL);
$source_object = \Stripe\Source::retrieve($source_id);

// 先确认一下用户付了钱,别有 Object 就直接开始整...
$status = $source_object->redirect->status;
if($status == "failed")
// 如果用户没有付钱,我们该怎么做?
else {
// 从临时钱包从把钱扣了~
'amount' => 1988,
'currency' => 'hkd',
'source' => $source_id,
// 有了 Object 之后我们可以提取出对应的用户邮件地址或者别的信息,比如邮件地址可以这样提取
$user_email = $source_object->owner->email;
// 然后这里自己根据 email 找到对应用户完成接下来的步骤,比如把文件通过邮件发给用户,给用户头像加个 Buff 啥的~

顺便可以登录 Stripe 后台看看~



var wechatCallback = function (source) {
function generateQRCode(value) {
var qrEle = document.getElementById("qrcode");
var qrcode = new QRCode(qrEle, {
width: 100,
height: 100
qrEle.style.display = 'inline-block';
二维码出来后, 扫码就会得到如下结果

不过这种方法只是说可以用而已,最好的方法可以参考 Best Practices for Using Sources 来接受 Webhook 多次验证,但这个就不在本文的范围内了。

由于是第一次接触支付领域,上述步骤中可能还是会有不少坑或者啥的(所以别直接在生产环境照抄,写完之后一定要多 Review 几遍逻辑漏洞),不过这个至少是一个可用最小模型了,还有不少可以改进的地方,比如浏览器端的函数其实可以异步拉起,这样可以在网页上弄一个 Modal 弹窗,看上去更加用户友好一些。
关于注册 Stripe 账号

和注册支付宝账号一个道理,首先注册账号,然后绑定自己银行卡,BUT, 就像前面提到的,不支持中国,所以就算注册成功,也没法激活,也就没法收款。



对于James来说,因为他是新西兰kiwi,所以他可以创建他的主账号,然后添加我的stripe账号到他team memeber账号列表中,这样我就可以访问他账户下所有开发者需要的权限。邀请成功后,Dashboard页面


Stripe.js & Elements


var stripe = Stripe('pk_live_xxxx');

function alipay(amount) {
type: 'alipay',
amount: parseInt(amount),
currency: 'gbp', // usd, eur,
redirect: {
return_url: 'https://xxx.eu/pay/result.html'
}).then(function (response) {
if (response.error) {
else {

function processStripeResponse(source) {
window.location.href = source.redirect.url;



full stack developer Kevin wrote the post • 0 comments • 649 views • 2020-04-05 12:09 • added this tag no more than 24h

大家好,我是新西兰网站开发公司Local Fern的I设计师Novah~今天是我来给大家分享内容,今天给大家推荐一个聚集了很多小工具的网站Beautiful Dingbats,网站上有背景图案生成器、花式字体生成器、日历生成器、小故障文本生成器、表情符号等等。


Beautiful Dingbats









另外,还可以自定义图案的辅助颜色以及图案的背景颜色,同时颜色还可以左右切换不同的类型,比如Material Design类型的色值。



今天的内容就是这些 view all
大家好,我是新西兰网站开发公司Local Fern的I设计师Novah~今天是我来给大家分享内容,今天给大家推荐一个聚集了很多小工具的网站Beautiful Dingbats,网站上有背景图案生成器、花式字体生成器、日历生成器、小故障文本生成器、表情符号等等。


Beautiful Dingbats









另外,还可以自定义图案的辅助颜色以及图案的背景颜色,同时颜色还可以左右切换不同的类型,比如Material Design类型的色值。





full stack developer Kevin wrote the post • 0 comments • 739 views • 2020-04-05 12:00 • added this tag no more than 24h

大家好,我是新西兰网站开发公司local Fern的插画师Isabella~今天给大家推荐一个免费开源的表情符号大全OpenMoji,OpenMoji是面向设计师、开发人员和其他所有人的开源表情符号,到目前为止,已经设计了超过3000种不同类别的表情符号,提供了彩色和单色的SVG、PNG格式。










今天的内容就是这些,如果你喜欢我们的作品,又准备找奥克兰当地的网站开发公司,请给我们在线的开发者Kevin留言,他会给大家解决问题的。 view all

大家好,我是新西兰网站开发公司local Fern的插画师Isabella~今天给大家推荐一个免费开源的表情符号大全OpenMoji,OpenMoji是面向设计师、开发人员和其他所有人的开源表情符号,到目前为止,已经设计了超过3000种不同类别的表情符号,提供了彩色和单色的SVG、PNG格式。











I will offer a new zealand voice that cuts through the noise, $10 . 3 Days Delivery. HQ Audio File (WAV format))

Emma wrote the post • 0 comments • 426 views • 2020-04-04 10:47 • added this tag no more than 24h


About This Service
I'm a kiwi (New Zealand) male, who can deliver on a wide range of vocal styles - direct from my professionally equipped home studio to you.

I can convey YOUR message - with the desired tone, warmth, vibrancy, depth, quirkiness, clarity, sincerity and energy.

Styles include:
- Hard Sell
- Soft Sell
- Retail Reads
- Corporate Voicing (Station indents etc)
- Instructional Reads
- On-Hold Messaging 
- Narration
- Public Service Announcements
+ More

I also offer a limited range of character themes - from Santa to Sinister - faux-American movie trailer style to old-timey British narration + more

1 - 50 words = $5 (1 gig)
51-100 words = $10 (2 gigs) 
101-150 words = $15 (3 gigs)
151-200 words = $20 (4 gigs)
201-250 words = $25 (5 gigs)
251-300 words = $30 (6 gigs)

**Please message if your script is over 300 words.**


Rates include full post production mastering and your choice of MP3 or WAV, at no extra charge. 

Please do not use the "1 day rush delivery" Gig Extra towards your total script cost. The rush fee is extra on top of your script cost and cannot be used to cover script cost.
About us:

We run a voice overs  studio in Auckland , NZ .We produce voice overs for Videos, Documentaries and DVD's, Radio and TV commercials, and can organise nationwide distribution to Radio and TV networks. From a simple voice over, to a commercial of EPIC proportions, emma can create it! view all

About This Service
I'm a kiwi (New Zealand) male, who can deliver on a wide range of vocal styles - direct from my professionally equipped home studio to you.

I can convey YOUR message - with the desired tone, warmth, vibrancy, depth, quirkiness, clarity, sincerity and energy.

Styles include:
- Hard Sell
- Soft Sell
- Retail Reads
- Corporate Voicing (Station indents etc)
- Instructional Reads
- On-Hold Messaging 
- Narration
- Public Service Announcements
+ More

I also offer a limited range of character themes - from Santa to Sinister - faux-American movie trailer style to old-timey British narration + more

1 - 50 words = $5 (1 gig)
51-100 words = $10 (2 gigs) 
101-150 words = $15 (3 gigs)
151-200 words = $20 (4 gigs)
201-250 words = $25 (5 gigs)
251-300 words = $30 (6 gigs)

**Please message if your script is over 300 words.**


Rates include full post production mastering and your choice of MP3 or WAV, at no extra charge. 

Please do not use the "1 day rush delivery" Gig Extra towards your total script cost. The rush fee is extra on top of your script cost and cannot be used to cover script cost.
About us:

We run a voice overs  studio in Auckland , NZ .We produce voice overs for Videos, Documentaries and DVD's, Radio and TV commercials, and can organise nationwide distribution to Radio and TV networks. From a simple voice over, to a commercial of EPIC proportions, emma can create it!

New Zealand Voice Talent Agency|I will record a warm professional neutral new zealand voice, $10 . 3 Days Delivery. 201-250 words = $25 (5 item)

Emma wrote the post • 0 comments • 422 views • 2020-04-04 10:47 • added this tag no more than 24h


About This Service
I'm a kiwi (New Zealand) male, who can deliver on a wide range of vocal styles - direct from my professionally equipped home studio to you.

I can convey YOUR message - with the desired tone, warmth, vibrancy, depth, quirkiness, clarity, sincerity and energy.

Styles include:
- Hard Sell
- Soft Sell
- Retail Reads
- Corporate Voicing (Station indents etc)
- Instructional Reads
- On-Hold Messaging 
- Narration
- Public Service Announcements
+ More

I also offer a limited range of character themes - from Santa to Sinister - faux-American movie trailer style to old-timey British narration + more

1 - 50 words = $5 (1 item)
51-100 words = $10 (2  item) 
101-150 words = $15 (3  item)
151-200 words = $20 (4  item)
201-250 words = $25 (5  item)
251-300 words = $30 (6  item)

**Please message if your script is over 300 words.**


Rates include full post production mastering and your choice of MP3 or WAV, at no extra charge. 

Please do not use the "1 day rush delivery" Gig Extra towards your total script cost. The rush fee is extra on top of your script cost and cannot be used to cover script cost.
About us:

We run a voice overs  studio in Auckland , NZ .We produce voice overs for Videos, Documentaries and DVD's, Radio and TV commercials, and can organise nationwide distribution to Radio and TV networks. From a simple voice over, to a commercial of EPIC proportions, emma can create it! view all

About This Service
I'm a kiwi (New Zealand) male, who can deliver on a wide range of vocal styles - direct from my professionally equipped home studio to you.

I can convey YOUR message - with the desired tone, warmth, vibrancy, depth, quirkiness, clarity, sincerity and energy.

Styles include:
- Hard Sell
- Soft Sell
- Retail Reads
- Corporate Voicing (Station indents etc)
- Instructional Reads
- On-Hold Messaging 
- Narration
- Public Service Announcements
+ More

I also offer a limited range of character themes - from Santa to Sinister - faux-American movie trailer style to old-timey British narration + more

1 - 50 words = $5 (1 item)
51-100 words = $10 (2  item) 
101-150 words = $15 (3  item)
151-200 words = $20 (4  item)
201-250 words = $25 (5  item)
251-300 words = $30 (6  item)

**Please message if your script is over 300 words.**


Rates include full post production mastering and your choice of MP3 or WAV, at no extra charge. 

Please do not use the "1 day rush delivery" Gig Extra towards your total script cost. The rush fee is extra on top of your script cost and cannot be used to cover script cost.
About us:

We run a voice overs  studio in Auckland , NZ .We produce voice overs for Videos, Documentaries and DVD's, Radio and TV commercials, and can organise nationwide distribution to Radio and TV networks. From a simple voice over, to a commercial of EPIC proportions, emma can create it!

Voice Talent Agency Auckland|I will record a warm professional neutral new zealand voice, $10 . 3 Days Delivery. 251-300 words = $30 (6 item)

Emma wrote the post • 0 comments • 434 views • 2020-04-04 10:47 • added this tag no more than 24h


About This Service
I'm a kiwi (New Zealand) male, who can deliver on a wide range of vocal styles - direct from my professionally equipped home studio to you.

I can convey YOUR message - with the desired tone, warmth, vibrancy, depth, quirkiness, clarity, sincerity and energy.

Styles include:
- Hard Sell
- Soft Sell
- Retail Reads
- Corporate Voicing (Station indents etc)
- Instructional Reads
- On-Hold Messaging 
- Narration
- Public Service Announcements
+ More

I also offer a limited range of character themes - from Santa to Sinister - faux-American movie trailer style to old-timey British narration + more

1 - 50 words = $5 (1 item)
51-100 words = $10 (2 item) 
101-150 words = $15 (3 item)
151-200 words = $20 (4 item)
201-250 words = $25 (5 item)
251-300 words = $30 (6 item)

**Please message if your script is over 300 words.**


Rates include full post production mastering and your choice of MP3 or WAV, at no extra charge. 

Please do not use the "1 day rush delivery" Gig Extra towards your total script cost. The rush fee is extra on top of your script cost and cannot be used to cover script cost.
About us:

We run a voice overs  studio in Auckland , NZ .We produce voice overs for Videos, Documentaries and DVD's, Radio and TV commercials, and can organise nationwide distribution to Radio and TV networks. From a simple voice over, to a commercial of EPIC proportions, emma can create it! view all

About This Service
I'm a kiwi (New Zealand) male, who can deliver on a wide range of vocal styles - direct from my professionally equipped home studio to you.

I can convey YOUR message - with the desired tone, warmth, vibrancy, depth, quirkiness, clarity, sincerity and energy.

Styles include:
- Hard Sell
- Soft Sell
- Retail Reads
- Corporate Voicing (Station indents etc)
- Instructional Reads
- On-Hold Messaging 
- Narration
- Public Service Announcements
+ More

I also offer a limited range of character themes - from Santa to Sinister - faux-American movie trailer style to old-timey British narration + more

1 - 50 words = $5 (1 item)
51-100 words = $10 (2 item) 
101-150 words = $15 (3 item)
151-200 words = $20 (4 item)
201-250 words = $25 (5 item)
251-300 words = $30 (6 item)

**Please message if your script is over 300 words.**


Rates include full post production mastering and your choice of MP3 or WAV, at no extra charge. 

Please do not use the "1 day rush delivery" Gig Extra towards your total script cost. The rush fee is extra on top of your script cost and cannot be used to cover script cost.
About us:

We run a voice overs  studio in Auckland , NZ .We produce voice overs for Videos, Documentaries and DVD's, Radio and TV commercials, and can organise nationwide distribution to Radio and TV networks. From a simple voice over, to a commercial of EPIC proportions, emma can create it!

Voice Agency Christchurch, Auckland & Wellington NZ | Record your British male voice over / voiceover (150 words), $10 . 3 Days Delivery. HQ Audio File (WAV format))

Emma wrote the post • 0 comments • 425 views • 2020-04-04 10:47 • added this tag no more than 24h


About This Service

I can convey YOUR message - with the desired tone, warmth, vibrancy, depth, quirkiness, clarity, sincerity and energy.

Styles include:
- Hard Sell
- Soft Sell
- Retail Reads
- Corporate Voicing (Station indents etc)
- Instructional Reads
- On-Hold Messaging 
- Narration
- Public Service Announcements
+ More

I also offer a limited range of character themes - from Santa to Sinister - faux-American movie trailer style to old-timey British narration + more

1 - 50 words = $5 (1 item)
51-100 words = $10 (2item) 
101-150 words = $15 (3 item)
151-200 words = $20 (4 item)
201-250 words = $25 (5 item)
251-300 words = $30 (6 item)

**Please message if your script is over 300 words.**


Rates include full post production mastering and your choice of MP3 or WAV, at no extra charge. 

Please do not use the "1 day rush delivery" Gig Extra towards your total script cost. The rush fee is extra on top of your script cost and cannot be used to cover script cost.
About us:

We run a voice overs  studio in Auckland , NZ .We produce voice overs for Videos, Documentaries and DVD's, Radio and TV commercials, and can organise nationwide distribution to Radio and TV networks. From a simple voice over, to a commercial of EPIC proportions, emma can create it! view all

About This Service

I can convey YOUR message - with the desired tone, warmth, vibrancy, depth, quirkiness, clarity, sincerity and energy.

Styles include:
- Hard Sell
- Soft Sell
- Retail Reads
- Corporate Voicing (Station indents etc)
- Instructional Reads
- On-Hold Messaging 
- Narration
- Public Service Announcements
+ More

I also offer a limited range of character themes - from Santa to Sinister - faux-American movie trailer style to old-timey British narration + more

1 - 50 words = $5 (1 item)
51-100 words = $10 (2item) 
101-150 words = $15 (3 item)
151-200 words = $20 (4 item)
201-250 words = $25 (5 item)
251-300 words = $30 (6 item)

**Please message if your script is over 300 words.**


Rates include full post production mastering and your choice of MP3 or WAV, at no extra charge. 

Please do not use the "1 day rush delivery" Gig Extra towards your total script cost. The rush fee is extra on top of your script cost and cannot be used to cover script cost.
About us:

We run a voice overs  studio in Auckland , NZ .We produce voice overs for Videos, Documentaries and DVD's, Radio and TV commercials, and can organise nationwide distribution to Radio and TV networks. From a simple voice over, to a commercial of EPIC proportions, emma can create it!

I will offer a new zealand voice that cuts through the noise, $10 . 3 Days Delivery. HQ Audio File (WAV format))

Emma wrote the post • 0 comments • 418 views • 2020-04-04 10:47 • added this tag no more than 24h


About This Service

I can convey YOUR message - with the desired tone, warmth, vibrancy, depth, quirkiness, clarity, sincerity and energy.

Styles include:
- Hard Sell
- Soft Sell
- Retail Reads
- Corporate Voicing (Station indents etc)
- Instructional Reads
- On-Hold Messaging 
- Narration
- Public Service Announcements
+ More

I also offer a limited range of character themes - from Santa to Sinister - faux-American movie trailer style to old-timey British narration + more

1 - 50 words = $5 (1 item)
51-100 words = $10 (2item) 
101-150 words = $15 (3 item)
151-200 words = $20 (4 item)
201-250 words = $25 (5 item)
251-300 words = $30 (6 item)

**Please message if your script is over 300 words.**


Rates include full post production mastering and your choice of MP3 or WAV, at no extra charge. 

Please do not use the "1 day rush delivery" Gig Extra towards your total script cost. The rush fee is extra on top of your script cost and cannot be used to cover script cost.
About us:

We run a voice overs  studio in Auckland , NZ .We produce voice overs for Videos, Documentaries and DVD's, Radio and TV commercials, and can organise nationwide distribution to Radio and TV networks. From a simple voice over, to a commercial of EPIC proportions, emma can create it! view all

About This Service

I can convey YOUR message - with the desired tone, warmth, vibrancy, depth, quirkiness, clarity, sincerity and energy.

Styles include:
- Hard Sell
- Soft Sell
- Retail Reads
- Corporate Voicing (Station indents etc)
- Instructional Reads
- On-Hold Messaging 
- Narration
- Public Service Announcements
+ More

I also offer a limited range of character themes - from Santa to Sinister - faux-American movie trailer style to old-timey British narration + more

1 - 50 words = $5 (1 item)
51-100 words = $10 (2item) 
101-150 words = $15 (3 item)
151-200 words = $20 (4 item)
201-250 words = $25 (5 item)
251-300 words = $30 (6 item)

**Please message if your script is over 300 words.**


Rates include full post production mastering and your choice of MP3 or WAV, at no extra charge. 

Please do not use the "1 day rush delivery" Gig Extra towards your total script cost. The rush fee is extra on top of your script cost and cannot be used to cover script cost.
About us:

We run a voice overs  studio in Auckland , NZ .We produce voice overs for Videos, Documentaries and DVD's, Radio and TV commercials, and can organise nationwide distribution to Radio and TV networks. From a simple voice over, to a commercial of EPIC proportions, emma can create it!

voice over Agency in Auckland, New Zealand at affordable price|We will Record a professional 10-20 second telephone prompt, a new zealand male voice,$10 . 3 Days Delivery.

Emma wrote the post • 0 comments • 438 views • 2020-04-04 10:47 • added this tag no more than 24h


About This Service

I can convey YOUR message - with the desired tone, warmth, vibrancy, depth, quirkiness, clarity, sincerity and energy.

Styles include:
- Hard Sell
- Soft Sell
- Retail Reads
- Corporate Voicing (Station indents etc)
- Instructional Reads
- On-Hold Messaging 
- Narration
- Public Service Announcements
+ More

I also offer a limited range of character themes - from Santa to Sinister - faux-American movie trailer style to old-timey British narration + more

1 - 50 words = $5 (1 item)
51-100 words = $10 (2item) 
101-150 words = $15 (3 item)
151-200 words = $20 (4 item)
201-250 words = $25 (5 item)
251-300 words = $30 (6 item)

**Please message if your script is over 300 words.**


Rates include full post production mastering and your choice of MP3 or WAV, at no extra charge. 

Please do not use the "1 day rush delivery" Gig Extra towards your total script cost. The rush fee is extra on top of your script cost and cannot be used to cover script cost.
About us:

We run a voice overs  studio in Auckland , NZ .We produce voice overs for Videos, Documentaries and DVD's, Radio and TV commercials, and can organise nationwide distribution to Radio and TV networks. From a simple voice over, to a commercial of EPIC proportions, emma can create it! view all

About This Service

I can convey YOUR message - with the desired tone, warmth, vibrancy, depth, quirkiness, clarity, sincerity and energy.

Styles include:
- Hard Sell
- Soft Sell
- Retail Reads
- Corporate Voicing (Station indents etc)
- Instructional Reads
- On-Hold Messaging 
- Narration
- Public Service Announcements
+ More

I also offer a limited range of character themes - from Santa to Sinister - faux-American movie trailer style to old-timey British narration + more

1 - 50 words = $5 (1 item)
51-100 words = $10 (2item) 
101-150 words = $15 (3 item)
151-200 words = $20 (4 item)
201-250 words = $25 (5 item)
251-300 words = $30 (6 item)

**Please message if your script is over 300 words.**


Rates include full post production mastering and your choice of MP3 or WAV, at no extra charge. 

Please do not use the "1 day rush delivery" Gig Extra towards your total script cost. The rush fee is extra on top of your script cost and cannot be used to cover script cost.
About us:

We run a voice overs  studio in Auckland , NZ .We produce voice overs for Videos, Documentaries and DVD's, Radio and TV commercials, and can organise nationwide distribution to Radio and TV networks. From a simple voice over, to a commercial of EPIC proportions, emma can create it!

I will record new zealand kiwi professional voiceover,$80. 3 Days Delivery

Emma wrote the post • 0 comments • 436 views • 2020-04-04 10:41 • added this tag no more than 24h


About This Service:
I will provide a professionally voice over, professionally recorded in my own recording studio for any media.  I am a born and bred New Zealander and bring a warm, energetic professional voiceover to commercials, documentaries, tv and film.

Some recent voice over clients include:  Uber, Ola, Coke, McDonalds, American Express, Greenpeace, Reliance Insurance and many others!

Depending on time zone I can usually turn jobs around on the same day.

Would love to work with you!
About us:

We run a voice overs  studio in Auckland , NZ .We produce voice overs for Videos, Documentaries and DVD's, Radio and TV commercials, and can organise nationwide distribution to Radio and TV networks. From a simple voice over, to a commercial of EPIC proportions, emma can create it! view all

About This Service:
I will provide a professionally voice over, professionally recorded in my own recording studio for any media.  I am a born and bred New Zealander and bring a warm, energetic professional voiceover to commercials, documentaries, tv and film.

Some recent voice over clients include:  Uber, Ola, Coke, McDonalds, American Express, Greenpeace, Reliance Insurance and many others!

Depending on time zone I can usually turn jobs around on the same day.

Would love to work with you!
About us:

We run a voice overs  studio in Auckland , NZ .We produce voice overs for Videos, Documentaries and DVD's, Radio and TV commercials, and can organise nationwide distribution to Radio and TV networks. From a simple voice over, to a commercial of EPIC proportions, emma can create it!

new zealand accent voice over|I will record a new zealand male voice over in 3 days, $80. 3 Days Delivery ,1 - 50 words = $5 (1 item)

Emma wrote the post • 0 comments • 505 views • 2020-04-04 10:41 • added this tag no more than 24h


About This Service:
I will provide a professionally voice over, professionally recorded in my own recording studio for any media.  I am a born and bred New Zealander and bring a warm, energetic professional voiceover to commercials, documentaries, tv and film.

Some recent voice over clients include:  Uber, Ola, Coke, McDonalds, American Express, Greenpeace, Reliance Insurance and many others!

Depending on time zone I can usually turn jobs around on the same day.

Would love to work with you!
About us:

We run a voice overs  studio in Auckland , NZ .We produce voice overs for Videos, Documentaries and DVD's, Radio and TV commercials, and can organise nationwide distribution to Radio and TV networks. From a simple voice over, to a commercial of EPIC proportions, emma can create it!

1 - 50 words = $5 (1 item)

51-100 words = $10 (2item) 

101-150 words = $15 (3 item)

151-200 words = $20 (4 item)

201-250 words = $25 (5 item)

251-300 words = $30 (6 item)

**Please message if your script is over 300 words.**


Rates include full post production mastering and your choice of MP3 or WAV, at no extra charge.  view all

About This Service:
I will provide a professionally voice over, professionally recorded in my own recording studio for any media.  I am a born and bred New Zealander and bring a warm, energetic professional voiceover to commercials, documentaries, tv and film.

Some recent voice over clients include:  Uber, Ola, Coke, McDonalds, American Express, Greenpeace, Reliance Insurance and many others!

Depending on time zone I can usually turn jobs around on the same day.

Would love to work with you!
About us:

We run a voice overs  studio in Auckland , NZ .We produce voice overs for Videos, Documentaries and DVD's, Radio and TV commercials, and can organise nationwide distribution to Radio and TV networks. From a simple voice over, to a commercial of EPIC proportions, emma can create it!

1 - 50 words = $5 (1 item)

51-100 words = $10 (2item) 

101-150 words = $15 (3 item)

151-200 words = $20 (4 item)

201-250 words = $25 (5 item)

251-300 words = $30 (6 item)

**Please message if your script is over 300 words.**


Rates include full post production mastering and your choice of MP3 or WAV, at no extra charge. 

Voice Agency Christchurch, Auckland & Wellington NZ | Professionally record your 250 script with my British voice,$80. 3 Days Delivery

Emma wrote the post • 0 comments • 445 views • 2020-04-04 10:41 • added this tag no more than 24h


About This Service:
I will provide a professionally voice over, professionally recorded in my own recording studio for any media.  I am a born and bred New Zealander and bring a warm, energetic professional voiceover to commercials, documentaries, tv and film.

Some recent voice over clients include:  Uber, Ola, Coke, McDonalds, American Express, Greenpeace, Reliance Insurance and many others!

Depending on time zone I can usually turn jobs around on the same day.

Would love to work with you!
About us:

We run a voice overs  studio in Auckland , NZ .We produce voice overs for Videos, Documentaries and DVD's, Radio and TV commercials, and can organise nationwide distribution to Radio and TV networks. From a simple voice over, to a commercial of EPIC proportions, emma can create it!

1 - 50 words = $5 (1 item)
51-100 words = $10 (2item) 
101-150 words = $15 (3 item)
151-200 words = $20 (4 item)
201-250 words = $25 (5 item)
251-300 words = $30 (6 item)

**Please message if your script is over 300 words.**


Rates include full post production mastering and your choice of MP3 or WAV, at no extra char view all

About This Service:
I will provide a professionally voice over, professionally recorded in my own recording studio for any media.  I am a born and bred New Zealander and bring a warm, energetic professional voiceover to commercials, documentaries, tv and film.

Some recent voice over clients include:  Uber, Ola, Coke, McDonalds, American Express, Greenpeace, Reliance Insurance and many others!

Depending on time zone I can usually turn jobs around on the same day.

Would love to work with you!
About us:

We run a voice overs  studio in Auckland , NZ .We produce voice overs for Videos, Documentaries and DVD's, Radio and TV commercials, and can organise nationwide distribution to Radio and TV networks. From a simple voice over, to a commercial of EPIC proportions, emma can create it!

1 - 50 words = $5 (1 item)
51-100 words = $10 (2item) 
101-150 words = $15 (3 item)
151-200 words = $20 (4 item)
201-250 words = $25 (5 item)
251-300 words = $30 (6 item)

**Please message if your script is over 300 words.**


Rates include full post production mastering and your choice of MP3 or WAV, at no extra char

voice over Agency in Auckland, New Zealand at affordable price |I will record and edit a new zealand voice over for professional use,$80. 3 Days Delivery,

Emma wrote the post • 0 comments • 427 views • 2020-04-04 10:41 • added this tag no more than 24h


About This Service:
I will provide a professionally voice over, professionally recorded in my own recording studio for any media.  I am a born and bred New Zealander and bring a warm, energetic professional voiceover to commercials, documentaries, tv and film.

Some recent voice over clients include:  Uber, Ola, Coke, McDonalds, American Express, Greenpeace, Reliance Insurance and many others!

Depending on time zone I can usually turn jobs around on the same day.

Would love to work with you!
About us:

We run a voice overs  studio in Auckland , NZ .We produce voice overs for Videos, Documentaries and DVD's, Radio and TV commercials, and can organise nationwide distribution to Radio and TV networks. From a simple voice over, to a commercial of EPIC proportions, emma can create it!

1 - 50 words = $5 (1 item)
51-100 words = $10 (2item) 
101-150 words = $15 (3 item)
151-200 words = $20 (4 item)
201-250 words = $25 (5 item)
251-300 words = $30 (6 item)

**Please message if your script is over 300 words.**


Rates include full post production mastering and your choice of MP3 or WAV, at no extra char view all

About This Service:
I will provide a professionally voice over, professionally recorded in my own recording studio for any media.  I am a born and bred New Zealander and bring a warm, energetic professional voiceover to commercials, documentaries, tv and film.

Some recent voice over clients include:  Uber, Ola, Coke, McDonalds, American Express, Greenpeace, Reliance Insurance and many others!

Depending on time zone I can usually turn jobs around on the same day.

Would love to work with you!
About us:

We run a voice overs  studio in Auckland , NZ .We produce voice overs for Videos, Documentaries and DVD's, Radio and TV commercials, and can organise nationwide distribution to Radio and TV networks. From a simple voice over, to a commercial of EPIC proportions, emma can create it!

1 - 50 words = $5 (1 item)
51-100 words = $10 (2item) 
101-150 words = $15 (3 item)
151-200 words = $20 (4 item)
201-250 words = $25 (5 item)
251-300 words = $30 (6 item)

**Please message if your script is over 300 words.**


Rates include full post production mastering and your choice of MP3 or WAV, at no extra char

I will record new zealand kiwi professional voiceover, $80. 3 Days Delivery,51-100 words = $10 (2item)

Emma wrote the post • 0 comments • 490 views • 2020-04-04 10:41 • added this tag no more than 24h


About This Service:
I will provide a professionally voice over, professionally recorded in my own recording studio for any media.  I am a born and bred New Zealander and bring a warm, energetic professional voiceover to commercials, documentaries, tv and film.

Some recent voice over clients include:  Uber, Ola, Coke, McDonalds, American Express, Greenpeace, Reliance Insurance and many others!

Depending on time zone I can usually turn jobs around on the same day.

Would love to work with you!
About us:

We run a voice overs  studio in Auckland , NZ .We produce voice overs for Videos, Documentaries and DVD's, Radio and TV commercials, and can organise nationwide distribution to Radio and TV networks. From a simple voice over, to a commercial of EPIC proportions, emma can create it!

1 - 50 words = $5 (1 item)
51-100 words = $10 (2item) 
101-150 words = $15 (3 item)
151-200 words = $20 (4 item)
201-250 words = $25 (5 item)
251-300 words = $30 (6 item)

**Please message if your script is over 300 words.**


Rates include full post production mastering and your choice of MP3 or WAV, at no extra charge.  view all

About This Service:
I will provide a professionally voice over, professionally recorded in my own recording studio for any media.  I am a born and bred New Zealander and bring a warm, energetic professional voiceover to commercials, documentaries, tv and film.

Some recent voice over clients include:  Uber, Ola, Coke, McDonalds, American Express, Greenpeace, Reliance Insurance and many others!

Depending on time zone I can usually turn jobs around on the same day.

Would love to work with you!
About us:

We run a voice overs  studio in Auckland , NZ .We produce voice overs for Videos, Documentaries and DVD's, Radio and TV commercials, and can organise nationwide distribution to Radio and TV networks. From a simple voice over, to a commercial of EPIC proportions, emma can create it!

1 - 50 words = $5 (1 item)
51-100 words = $10 (2item) 
101-150 words = $15 (3 item)
151-200 words = $20 (4 item)
201-250 words = $25 (5 item)
251-300 words = $30 (6 item)

**Please message if your script is over 300 words.**


Rates include full post production mastering and your choice of MP3 or WAV, at no extra charge. 

I will record new zealand kiwi professional voiceover,$80. 3 Days Delivery

Emma wrote the post • 0 comments • 437 views • 2020-04-04 10:41 • added this tag no more than 24h


About This Service:
I will provide a professionally voice over, professionally recorded in my own recording studio for any media.  I am a born and bred New Zealander and bring a warm, energetic professional voiceover to commercials, documentaries, tv and film.

Some recent voice over clients include:  Uber, Ola, Coke, McDonalds, American Express, Greenpeace, Reliance Insurance and many others!

Depending on time zone I can usually turn jobs around on the same day.

Would love to work with you!
About us:

We run a voice overs  studio in Auckland , NZ .We produce voice overs for Videos, Documentaries and DVD's, Radio and TV commercials, and can organise nationwide distribution to Radio and TV networks. From a simple voice over, to a commercial of EPIC proportions, emma can create it!
1 - 50 words = $5 (1 item)
51-100 words = $10 (2item) 
101-150 words = $15 (3 item)
151-200 words = $20 (4 item)
201-250 words = $25 (5 item)
251-300 words = $30 (6 item) view all

About This Service:
I will provide a professionally voice over, professionally recorded in my own recording studio for any media.  I am a born and bred New Zealander and bring a warm, energetic professional voiceover to commercials, documentaries, tv and film.

Some recent voice over clients include:  Uber, Ola, Coke, McDonalds, American Express, Greenpeace, Reliance Insurance and many others!

Depending on time zone I can usually turn jobs around on the same day.

Would love to work with you!
About us:

We run a voice overs  studio in Auckland , NZ .We produce voice overs for Videos, Documentaries and DVD's, Radio and TV commercials, and can organise nationwide distribution to Radio and TV networks. From a simple voice over, to a commercial of EPIC proportions, emma can create it!
1 - 50 words = $5 (1 item)
51-100 words = $10 (2item) 
101-150 words = $15 (3 item)
151-200 words = $20 (4 item)
201-250 words = $25 (5 item)
251-300 words = $30 (6 item)

I will voice over or narrate videos for you in a new zealand accent, $20 ,2 Days Delivery

Emma wrote the post • 0 comments • 435 views • 2020-04-04 10:35 • added this tag no more than 24h


About This Item
I will offer a fully voiced script, single HQ WAV file, edited and and mixed (removal of pops, room noise etc).

I can sync to video footage if required, have a fast and professional turn-around. 

I'm great with long form informational narration and instruction. 
About us:
We produce voice overs for Videos, Documentaries and DVD's, Radio and TV commercials, and can organise nationwide distribution to Radio and TV networks. From a simple voice over, to a commercial of EPIC proportions, emma can create it! view all

About This Item
I will offer a fully voiced script, single HQ WAV file, edited and and mixed (removal of pops, room noise etc).

I can sync to video footage if required, have a fast and professional turn-around. 

I'm great with long form informational narration and instruction. 
About us:
We produce voice overs for Videos, Documentaries and DVD's, Radio and TV commercials, and can organise nationwide distribution to Radio and TV networks. From a simple voice over, to a commercial of EPIC proportions, emma can create it!

I will voice over or narrate videos for you in a new zealand accent, $20 ,2 Days Delivery

Emma wrote the post • 0 comments • 427 views • 2020-04-04 10:35 • added this tag no more than 24h


About This Item
I will offer a fully voiced script, single HQ WAV file, edited and and mixed (removal of pops, room noise etc).

I can sync to video footage if required, have a fast and professional turn-around. 

I'm great with long form informational narration and instruction. 
About us:
We produce voice overs for Videos, Documentaries and DVD's, Radio and TV commercials, and can organise nationwide distribution to Radio and TV networks. From a simple voice over, to a commercial of EPIC proportions, emma can create it! view all

About This Item
I will offer a fully voiced script, single HQ WAV file, edited and and mixed (removal of pops, room noise etc).

I can sync to video footage if required, have a fast and professional turn-around. 

I'm great with long form informational narration and instruction. 
About us:
We produce voice overs for Videos, Documentaries and DVD's, Radio and TV commercials, and can organise nationwide distribution to Radio and TV networks. From a simple voice over, to a commercial of EPIC proportions, emma can create it!

We will voiceover in a new zealand or australian accent, 51-100 words = $10 (2 items)

Emma wrote the post • 0 comments • 440 views • 2020-04-04 09:56 • added this tag no more than 24h


About This Service

Voice: Warm-believable

Voice Over Actress with a background in Audio Production delivering professionally recorded & produced voice overs worldwide.

Music & Audio /Voice-Overs 3 Days On AverageAbout This Gig~
Visit my soundcloud to listen to my demos:


1 - 50 words = $5 (1 gig)
51-100 words = $10 (2 gigs) 
101-150 words = $15 (3 gigs)
151-200 words = $20 (4 gigs)
201-250 words = $25 (5 gigs)
251-300 words = $30 (6 gigs)

**Please message if your script is over 300 words.**


Rates include full post production mastering and your choice of MP3 or WAV, at no extra charge. 

Please do not use the "1 day rush delivery" Gig Extra towards your total script cost. The rush fee is extra on top of your script cost and cannot be used to cover script cost.


I will revise if I have misread or mispronounced any of your script. 

Any other changes, including intonation changes, script changes or details not included in your initial order instructions, will require you to repurchase. view all

About This Service

Voice: Warm-believable

Voice Over Actress with a background in Audio Production delivering professionally recorded & produced voice overs worldwide.

Music & Audio /Voice-Overs 3 Days On AverageAbout This Gig~
Visit my soundcloud to listen to my demos:


1 - 50 words = $5 (1 gig)
51-100 words = $10 (2 gigs) 
101-150 words = $15 (3 gigs)
151-200 words = $20 (4 gigs)
201-250 words = $25 (5 gigs)
251-300 words = $30 (6 gigs)

**Please message if your script is over 300 words.**


Rates include full post production mastering and your choice of MP3 or WAV, at no extra charge. 

Please do not use the "1 day rush delivery" Gig Extra towards your total script cost. The rush fee is extra on top of your script cost and cannot be used to cover script cost.


I will revise if I have misread or mispronounced any of your script. 

Any other changes, including intonation changes, script changes or details not included in your initial order instructions, will require you to repurchase.

Voice Talent & Voice Over Agents Auckland|I will record a female voiceover in a new zealand accent, 3 Days Delivery, $15

Emma wrote the post • 0 comments • 449 views • 2020-04-04 09:41 • added this tag no more than 24h


I am a highly intuitive Tarot reader from New Zealand with over seven years experience in 1:1 and online readings!

I'm super excited to offer you an accurate and helpful reading delivered in either a written report with photos or a video reading via Youtube link (please specify which you prefer when you order).

All readings are finished off with a complimentary unicorn card reading!

Please select from the package available or message me to enquire further. 

I am excited to meet you and offer you guidance and insight!
About me:
Hi, I'm a trained and experienced writer, voice artist and tarot reader from New Zealand. On kiwikiwifly I offer voiceovers in a New Zealand accent as well spookily accurate and insightful tarot readings. Check out my gigs for more information or send me a message!
  view all

I am a highly intuitive Tarot reader from New Zealand with over seven years experience in 1:1 and online readings!

I'm super excited to offer you an accurate and helpful reading delivered in either a written report with photos or a video reading via Youtube link (please specify which you prefer when you order).

All readings are finished off with a complimentary unicorn card reading!

Please select from the package available or message me to enquire further. 

I am excited to meet you and offer you guidance and insight!
About me:
Hi, I'm a trained and experienced writer, voice artist and tarot reader from New Zealand. On kiwikiwifly I offer voiceovers in a New Zealand accent as well spookily accurate and insightful tarot readings. Check out my gigs for more information or send me a message!

I will help with your new zealand business, $10, This assistance can be from sending mails to working on business plan or gathering local information.

Natalia M wrote the post • 0 comments • 405 views • 2020-04-04 05:23 • added this tag no more than 24h

About This item
I am a New Zealand resident. Very professional and trust worthy. If you are looking at expanding your business in NZ then I can assist you. 

This assistance can be from sending mails to working on business plan or gathering local information. No job is smaller. 

I can be your local help . Please discuss your needs before placing an offer. 
  view all

About This item
I am a New Zealand resident. Very professional and trust worthy. If you are looking at expanding your business in NZ then I can assist you. 

This assistance can be from sending mails to working on business plan or gathering local information. No job is smaller. 

I can be your local help . Please discuss your needs before placing an offer. 

I will provide guest post dofollow on tf32 new zealand site, $70, 2 Days Delivery +1 Article / Submission

Natalia M wrote the post • 0 comments • 431 views • 2020-04-04 05:18 • added this tag no more than 24h


About This item:
Get a dofollow link from a TF32+ CF26+ New Zealand how to blog.

This will help to boost your NZ rankings. 

Either provide your own guest post with 1 dofollow link (Must be 700 words plus and pass copyscape. No spin bot)

Or we can write a 700-800 word guest post for you, with anchor and suitable image.

Or we can offer a niche edit on existing content that's relevant to your site/niche. 

This is a genuine blog with high traffic from New Zealand visitors only. 

If you want to climb up the ranks in New Zealand then you need this service.

We do not allow gambling, pharma, casino, adult, dating, lotto or anything illegal under NZ law. 

If you're unsure, send us a message before ordering. 
  view all

About This item:
Get a dofollow link from a TF32+ CF26+ New Zealand how to blog.

This will help to boost your NZ rankings. 

Either provide your own guest post with 1 dofollow link (Must be 700 words plus and pass copyscape. No spin bot)

Or we can write a 700-800 word guest post for you, with anchor and suitable image.

Or we can offer a niche edit on existing content that's relevant to your site/niche. 

This is a genuine blog with high traffic from New Zealand visitors only. 

If you want to climb up the ranks in New Zealand then you need this service.

We do not allow gambling, pharma, casino, adult, dating, lotto or anything illegal under NZ law. 

If you're unsure, send us a message before ordering. 

I will be your assistant in New Zealand

Natalia M wrote the post • 0 comments • 402 views • 2020-04-04 05:16 • added this tag no more than 24h

About This offer:
If you need anything done in New Zealand, I'm your guy! Whether it's to send a letter to someone, search for a specific item in shops, i'm up to the task!

Due to the randomness of this gig, the price i set is a dummy price, please contact me if you're interested with what you need done and then we can discuss this further!
  view all
About This offer:
If you need anything done in New Zealand, I'm your guy! Whether it's to send a letter to someone, search for a specific item in shops, i'm up to the task!

Due to the randomness of this gig, the price i set is a dummy price, please contact me if you're interested with what you need done and then we can discuss this further!

I will manually post your business in 11 high PR New Zealand classifieds, 100% Manual Posting. $5 , 2 Days Delivery

Natalia M wrote the post • 0 comments • 406 views • 2020-04-04 05:14 • added this tag no more than 24h


About This service:
i will manually post your business or product in 11 high PR New Zealand classifieds. ads include title, content, keywords, phone no, etc..I will upload 1 logo and 1 image where allow in free ads option.

Benefits :    100% Manual Posting.

    PR Classifieds
    All free Classifieds.

    Strict Quality Control.

    Detailed report. view all

About This service:
i will manually post your business or product in 11 high PR New Zealand classifieds. ads include title, content, keywords, phone no, etc..I will upload 1 logo and 1 image where allow in free ads option.

Benefits :    100% Manual Posting.

    PR Classifieds
    All free Classifieds.

    Strict Quality Control.

    Detailed report.

Auckland based graphic design studio| only $60 . You get: -2 Logo -Business Card -Letterhead -Color Palette,

Natalia M wrote the post • 0 comments • 752 views • 2020-04-04 05:04 • added this tag no more than 24h


You are starting a business?
Corporate Branding/Identity is what you need and what we deliver. We design branding packages that will make your brand memorable, professional, and lead to improved sales.

Remember, Products and Services sell more if the business looks reputable. Let us make your Business/Company/Brand look Professional and Reliable.

Choose from our packages:

2 Logos to choose from.

Business Card


Color Palette

3 Logos to choose from

Business Card


Folder Design

Email Signature
Color Palette
5 Logos to choose from
Everything from the STANDARD (PRO PACKAGE)
Brand Identity Guidelines (Includes Color Palette)
3d Mockup
Social Media Kit
Invoice Design
#: We provide quality service and communication to ensure that all our customers know that they are our priority as well as their projects.

Please feel free to inquire and make an order.

Our portfolios:

  view all

You are starting a business?
Corporate Branding/Identity is what you need and what we deliver. We design branding packages that will make your brand memorable, professional, and lead to improved sales.

Remember, Products and Services sell more if the business looks reputable. Let us make your Business/Company/Brand look Professional and Reliable.

Choose from our packages:

2 Logos to choose from.

Business Card


Color Palette

3 Logos to choose from

Business Card


Folder Design

Email Signature
Color Palette
5 Logos to choose from
Everything from the STANDARD (PRO PACKAGE)
Brand Identity Guidelines (Includes Color Palette)
3d Mockup
Social Media Kit
Invoice Design
#: We provide quality service and communication to ensure that all our customers know that they are our priority as well as their projects.

Please feel free to inquire and make an order.

Our portfolios:


logo designer in NZ|I will design a creative and distinctive logo for your business, $195 for JPG and Transparent . PNG , 7 Days Delivery

Natalia M wrote the post • 0 comments • 449 views • 2020-04-04 05:00 • added this tag no more than 24h


Why Should we work together?

1. I specialize in developing Brand Identities for new startups and companies.
2. I have an adaptive design style that helps me find solutions to for any personality or business genre.

Whether you are a new startup or an established brand that needs a fresh new look, I can help you gain that edge to stand out in your industry.

If you have any questions about my services, I invite you to contact me before ordering.

I look forward to doing business with you.

Regular office hours 9AM-5PM MST

  view all

Why Should we work together?

1. I specialize in developing Brand Identities for new startups and companies.
2. I have an adaptive design style that helps me find solutions to for any personality or business genre.

Whether you are a new startup or an established brand that needs a fresh new look, I can help you gain that edge to stand out in your industry.

If you have any questions about my services, I invite you to contact me before ordering.

I look forward to doing business with you.

Regular office hours 9AM-5PM MST


Cheap and affordable custom logo design services company in New Zealand|$100 = 1 logo + 2 concepts of double sided business card

Natalia M wrote the post • 0 comments • 478 views • 2020-04-04 04:57 • added this tag no more than 24h


About This item
HI, Welcome to our Business card design Studio

First draft within 24 hours
UNLIMITED revisions
FREE mockup
24/7 Support
High Quality work


     > 1 concept of Logo + 2 concept of Business card
     > Unlimited Revisions
     > Print Ready jpg files


     > 2 concept of Logo + 2 concept of Business card
     > Unlimited Revisions
     > Print Ready jpg files
     > Source file
     > High Quality Work
     > FREE mockup


     > 3 concept of Logo + 3 concept of Business card
     > Unlimited Revisions
     > Print Ready jpg files
     > Source file
     > Vector file
     > High Quality Work
     > FREE mockup
     > Letterhead


Color mode: your desire RGB or CMYK (printable)
Resolution: 300dpi (best print quality)
Size: Standard 2 sizes are 90x50 and 85x55 (3.5 inch x 2 inch) but I can design any size you request. (100% Compatible with VistaPrint)
Layout : Horizontal or Vertical layout
File: PSD - editable, layered /PDF/JPG/PNG OR AI- editable, layered /EPS/TIFF/PDF/JPG/PNG

Design concepts means that same business name with  different concepts NOT different companies or names.
design type:
  view all

About This item
HI, Welcome to our Business card design Studio

First draft within 24 hours
UNLIMITED revisions
FREE mockup
24/7 Support
High Quality work


     > 1 concept of Logo + 2 concept of Business card
     > Unlimited Revisions
     > Print Ready jpg files


     > 2 concept of Logo + 2 concept of Business card
     > Unlimited Revisions
     > Print Ready jpg files
     > Source file
     > High Quality Work
     > FREE mockup


     > 3 concept of Logo + 3 concept of Business card
     > Unlimited Revisions
     > Print Ready jpg files
     > Source file
     > Vector file
     > High Quality Work
     > FREE mockup
     > Letterhead


Color mode: your desire RGB or CMYK (printable)
Resolution: 300dpi (best print quality)
Size: Standard 2 sizes are 90x50 and 85x55 (3.5 inch x 2 inch) but I can design any size you request. (100% Compatible with VistaPrint)
Layout : Horizontal or Vertical layout
File: PSD - editable, layered /PDF/JPG/PNG OR AI- editable, layered /EPS/TIFF/PDF/JPG/PNG

Design concepts means that same business name with  different concepts NOT different companies or names.
design type:

multi-language translation agencies in New Zealand基督城中文翻译公司I will do translation service between english and mandarin,

annawilldo wrote the post • 0 comments • 449 views • 2020-04-04 03:12 • added this tag no more than 24h

I provide translation services between English and Chinese, I had used both languages for more than 20 years. =)

Normally 1 gig covers 400 English words or 400 Chinese words.

Multiple gigs are to be ordered if you would like to translate more than this amount of words.

I mastered simplified and traditional Chinese characters, you may choose if you want your translation copy in either simplified or traditional formats.

NOTE:Please attach the file (doc, pdf, xls etc.) or type the texts in the message box.
I don't accept tertiary academic/overly technical documents. Please drop me a message to confirm if I can help with your documents before placing the order.
For website translation, please export the texts on the website to Excel/Words file.
All documents and personal information absolutely confidential.
I reserve the right to reject objectionable content.

1-day delivery applies to translation less than 1000 words
About me:
I am a translator of a NZ translation company and a content writer of a Christchurch travel company specialising in SEO writing. I have a Bachelor degree in English Language and I am multilingual in Mandarin, Cantonese and English. Simply contact me for inquiry. Anna will do!
  view all

I provide translation services between English and Chinese, I had used both languages for more than 20 years. =)

Normally 1 gig covers 400 English words or 400 Chinese words.

Multiple gigs are to be ordered if you would like to translate more than this amount of words.

I mastered simplified and traditional Chinese characters, you may choose if you want your translation copy in either simplified or traditional formats.

NOTE:Please attach the file (doc, pdf, xls etc.) or type the texts in the message box.
I don't accept tertiary academic/overly technical documents. Please drop me a message to confirm if I can help with your documents before placing the order.
For website translation, please export the texts on the website to Excel/Words file.
All documents and personal information absolutely confidential.
I reserve the right to reject objectionable content.

1-day delivery applies to translation less than 1000 words
About me:
I am a translator of a NZ translation company and a content writer of a Christchurch travel company specialising in SEO writing. I have a Bachelor degree in English Language and I am multilingual in Mandarin, Cantonese and English. Simply contact me for inquiry. Anna will do!

Chinese translator in Christchurch|I will provide Chinese translation, mandarin translation, english translation, Price start at USD 5 for every 200 words.

annawilldo wrote the post • 0 comments • 474 views • 2020-04-04 02:11 • added this tag no more than 24h

Welcome to "Ana will do" professional translation item!

Native Chinese and raised in New Zealand.
Completed more than 2500 orders and have over 1000 5-star reviews!
6 years in translation industry. Employed by a NZ translation company.

Price start at USD 5 for every 200 words.

2 to 3 days delivery depends on the gig package you order. Please contact me for a quote if the word count exceeds 2000.

Ultra fast service - 12 hours delivery - extra $40 for every 1000 words apart from basic charge.

Fast service - 24 hours delivery - extra $20 for every 1000 words apart from basic charge.

$5+ for image translation (depends on the number of images)

All translation is done by me manually. 

Work experience: Cryptocurrency Whitepapers, Business Proposals in Financial/ E-Commerce/ Cosmetic / Automotive etc. sectors, Contracts, Websites, Menus, Flyers, Advertisements, Instruction Manual, Blog articles... (limited space to list all out)

I also provide Proofreading and editing English/Chinese 400 words for $5

Contact me for custom offer for any kind of orders. =)

Anna will do!
About me:
I am a translator of an NZ translation company and a content writer of a Christchurch travel company specializing in SEO writing. I have a Bachelor degree in English Language and I am multilingual in Mandarin, Cantonese and English. Simply contact me for inquiry. Anna will do it! view all
Welcome to "Ana will do" professional translation item!

Native Chinese and raised in New Zealand.
Completed more than 2500 orders and have over 1000 5-star reviews!
6 years in translation industry. Employed by a NZ translation company.

Price start at USD 5 for every 200 words.

2 to 3 days delivery depends on the gig package you order. Please contact me for a quote if the word count exceeds 2000.

Ultra fast service - 12 hours delivery - extra $40 for every 1000 words apart from basic charge.

Fast service - 24 hours delivery - extra $20 for every 1000 words apart from basic charge.

$5+ for image translation (depends on the number of images)

All translation is done by me manually. 

Work experience: Cryptocurrency Whitepapers, Business Proposals in Financial/ E-Commerce/ Cosmetic / Automotive etc. sectors, Contracts, Websites, Menus, Flyers, Advertisements, Instruction Manual, Blog articles... (limited space to list all out)

I also provide Proofreading and editing English/Chinese 400 words for $5

Contact me for custom offer for any kind of orders. =)

Anna will do!
About me:
I am a translator of an NZ translation company and a content writer of a Christchurch travel company specializing in SEO writing. I have a Bachelor degree in English Language and I am multilingual in Mandarin, Cantonese and English. Simply contact me for inquiry. Anna will do it!

I will Translate your name into Chinese and design a Chinese stamp logo, only $10, You can use it as your signature brand in any picture, business card, website, etc.

annawilldo wrote the post • 0 comments • 411 views • 2020-04-04 02:07 • added this tag no more than 24h


What you get with this item:
Impress everyone with a Chinese name! You can use it as your signature brand in any picture, business card, website, etc.

1. Translate your name in Chinese style*
2. Provide Chinese phonetic of your name
3. High quality digital image (png file with transparent background)
4. Up to 2 modifications (different typeface)

* I will translate your name into 3 Chinese characters, the first character for the family name, the second and third characters for a given name. The name may be translated in accordance with meaning as well as sound, not just only transcribe from "Google Translate".
What I need to start the work

I need your English name to get started view all


What you get with this item:
Impress everyone with a Chinese name! You can use it as your signature brand in any picture, business card, website, etc.

1. Translate your name in Chinese style*
2. Provide Chinese phonetic of your name
3. High quality digital image (png file with transparent background)
4. Up to 2 modifications (different typeface)

* I will translate your name into 3 Chinese characters, the first character for the family name, the second and third characters for a given name. The name may be translated in accordance with meaning as well as sound, not just only transcribe from "Google Translate".
What I need to start the work

I need your English name to get started